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About UNUM24


" ...That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me"

John 17,21




  • Fathers House for all Nations

  • Jordan-Stiftung

  • AlpenChurch Kempten

  • Christlich-Soziales Forum e.V.

  • Schule der Erweckung

  • Momentum College

  • diekreative BERLIN, Audienz-Bibelschule

  • Awakening School of Ministry

  • Kingdom Impact

  • Jesus Haus Netzwerk Allgäu

  • XHOPE Olching

  • HOPE City München

  • Stoffwechsel Dresden 






  • Quelltor Christliche Freikirche e.V., Feldkirchen Christian & Kerstin Staudinger

  • Paul-Gerhardt-Kirche München, Marion Bieler

  • Gebetshaus Hannover, Markus Mühlhaus

  • Hillsong München, Janina Kohler

  • Evangelische Allianz, Andreas Zippe

  • BSSM Alumni Deutschland, Simon Haustein

  • Evang.-Luth. Paul-Gerhardt-Kirche München, Gerhard Haußner

  • CampFire Schneeberg, Thomas Georgi

  • Healing Rooms München Hanna, Boose

  • FamilyHomes, Melanie Oetting

  • Gebetshaus Würzburg, Kerstin Kühnel-Schmitt

  • Pfarrei St. Anton, Bernhard Hesse

  • Gebetshaus Allgäu, Catharina Stich

  • Worship Masterclass, Johannes Dück

  • AGAPE Gemeinschaft München, Ernö Andrich

  • Friedenskirche e.V. Memmingen, Joachim Krohn

Fadi Krikor & Gerhard Kehl über UNUM24
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We need unity and we need oneness. God leads us from "unity" into "oneness", UNUM in Latin. In unity we achieve victory and in oneness we bear fruit. In unity I find my place and in oneness I lose myself in community. God's calling into oneness is an answer to the longing of the people in our country.


We are connected by our longing for the presence of God. Prayer and praise in unity is a place where God's presence resides and we encounter His glory. Your worship is changing the spiritual atmosphere over our country. There is power in oneness and we want to be a powerful church that prays together “Your will be done” and experiences how his kingdom comes. God calls us into the “tent of meeting”. Encounters with God and encounters with others. 

The curved tent roof construction of the Olympic Hall reminds us of our vision of a tabernacle of encounters.

Vision 1.jpeg


A deep secret will be revealed when the time is fulfilled. The broken land from which 500 years ago gave birth to the division of the Church, destruction and suffering, this land is being filled with a new, deep understanding of unity and reconciliation. We want to pray together and hope that our country will become a blessing for other countries and bring unity and reconciliation to the world. Our goal is not to have one church and we are not critical of the Reformation. We are grateful that as Christians there is more that unites us than divides us. We seek unity in prayer and worship. 

UNUM24 ist eine Glaubenskonferenz die sich an Christen richtet, die ihre Gottesbeziehung vertiefen wollen und denen das Miteinander der Christen am Herzen liegt. Das gemeinsame Gebet und die Anbetung sind dabei verbindende Elemente im Miteinander der Christen.

UNUM24 kann sicherlich nicht allen Vorstellungen und Prägungen gerecht werden, und wir wollen auch keine Plattform für kirchliche, politische oder gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen sein, so wichtig diese auch sind.

Auf der Basis unseres gemeinsamen christlichen Glaubensbekenntnisses sammeln wir uns um den gekreuzigten und auferstandenen Christus, um unseren persönlichen Glauben zu erneuern, die Beziehung zueinander zu stärken und gemeinsam für unsere Zeit zu beten.

Does UNUM24 aim to start a unity-church? 

Fadi Krikor and Gerhard Kehl, the initiators of UNUM24, explain in an interview what the faith conference from June 20th to 24th, 2024 in the Munich Olympic Hall should be,
what it isn't and why the oneness will be great.

Does UNUM24 criticize the reformation?

Fadi Krikor and Gerhard Kehl, the initiators of UNUM24, talk in an interview about their motivation for organizing this faith conference from June 20th to 24th in the Munich Olympic Hall. And why the struggle for unity is not a criticism of the reformation.

Who is UNUM24 for?

Fadi Krikor and Gerhard Kehl invite you to the UNUM24 faith conference
Munich Olympic Hall and explain in an interview why all Christians
are invited – no matter which church they come from.


The initiators



The sponsors of UNUM24

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